Entering the Stillness

Fern Frond - Como Conservatory

Quote of the day: “Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”  ~Morgan Freeman


As I approach the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012, I am taking time to enter the stillness — to listen, to be, to enter the deep silence.  Time enough to DO when the year is new. Now is the time for creating a space, for out of the darkness and silence come new life and creativity.

I’m taking a short break from posting on my blog to embrace the stillness and to listen to my heart.  I’ll be back next year!  Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!

Butterfly Magic

Connection Instead of Consumption

Quote of the day: “Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.” – Yakov Smirnoff

Unbound 2012 Mini-Calendar - Inspiration

Another Christmas here and gone.  I think this was the first Christmas in memory that we exchanged no gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  I did make some gifts for friends and family and bought some toys for the grandkids, but since we are getting together later this week for the holidays, we didn’t do any gifts over Christmas.  It was WONDERFUL!  Instead of an emphasis on opening presents we spent time enjoying being together and doing what we wanted to do.  Next year I think we will be even more intentional about simplifying our holidays and spending time together rather than consuming.  Connection instead of consumption – works for me!

I had great fun creating an inspirational calendar for 2012 for myself over the long holiday weekend.  If you’re interested in seeing it I’ve listed it in the Etsy shop here.  I so enjoyed creating it – finding words and photos that inspire me and bring me joy.  Here are few of my favorite pages from the calendar:

You are a miracle






Merry Christmas to Friends Far and Near

Quote of the day: “Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.” – Washington Irving

Cheeky Crows with Morning Treats (neighbor across the street feeds peanuts every morning)

It’s Christmas Eve day and I’ve begun preparing our Christmas treats.  I also took some photos out the window just after sunrise.  The sky colors were subtle and golden.

It’s a different kind of holiday for us this year, with our grandkids celebrating a quiet Christmas at home in Kansas City, our parents no longer living, my brothers celebrating the holidays with their own children and grandchildren, and nowhere we need to be or go.  Very quiet, peaceful and non-commercial.  No travel bustle, no big group to prepare a meal for.  Just my husband, our youngest daughter (who lives nearby) and me.

As I contemplate the meaning of this holiday (underneath all of the holiday glitz), it becomes very simple – celebrating love and rebirth and hope.

My love goes out to all of my friends near and far.  May love surround you.  May you be happy. May you be healthy.

Christmas Eve Early Morning Out My Window

Here are some more kaleidoscope photos from my photoshop play yesterday:

Japanese Lantern Mandala
Original Japanese Lantern Photo
Buddhist Temple Mandala
Original Photo - Buddhist Temple in Hilo, Hawaii

Endless Possibilities

Quote of the day: “At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” ~Jean Houston

Iris Kaleidoscope

Yesterday I decided I wanted to learn how to use Photoshop to create a kaleidoscope from a photo.  I found several sets of instructions online, but the ones that were easiest for me to follow were here.  I started with a photo of irises that didn’t quite work (see below).  Voila! After a couple of false starts I was able to create the lovely creation you see above.

Wow!  Endless possibilities!  So much to play with.  So much to learn.  That’s what play is all about – endless possibilities and learning.  May you play around today, improvise, create, and have fun learning something new.

Original photo
Kaleidoscope with added texture and some different blend modes

A Winter Walk on Winter Solstice Day

Quote of the day: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau

Path at Big Willow Park, Dec. 21

I took a walk in one of my favorite places yesterday – Big Willow Park in Minnetonka.  It was amazing to me to be walking through all the shades of gold and brown instead of drifts of white snow this late in December.  The weather continues to be mild and I am so glad after last winter’s snow upon snow upon snow.

There is beauty in the winter woods, even without snow. Minnehaha Creek  is mostly frozen but I found open water under the railroad bridge where the water flows fastest.  The water levels are down after our dry fall but I think the creek is still beautiful.  Trees, leaves, rocks, creek, path, bench, berries, bridge – all greeted me with beauty.  I walked with gratitude in my heart.

Rock at creek's edge
Red berries on chain link fence - nature's Christmas card to me
Minnehaha Creek View in winter
Path into the woods at Big Willow
Single oak leaf still on the tree

Light a candle in the darkness

Quote of the day: “You don’t need to worry about forever you just have to chose to use this moment to create the future instead of letting the future create you.”  from blog Skool of Life


Today is Winter Solstice.  Here in Minnesota that means that the sun rises at 7:47 AM and sets at 4:34 PM – the shortest day of the year.  The days of the year when we get up and drive to work in the darkness and then turn around and drive home from work in the darkness are challenging for many of us.

But the dark days always end and the light does return.  Today, the solstice, is the turning.  After today, the light returns slowly, but surely.  The seasons turn, the days get longer, and light and life wake up.

The cycles of the seasons are like the cycles of life, although when you’re in the midst of a difficult cycle it is often hard to imagine that life will ever be joyful or full of light again.  Sometimes some little thing we do can light a candle in the darkness for someone who is struggling.

An unexpected kindness.. a gentle word… a smile… a silent prayer.

May someone light a candle in the darkness for you when you need it most and may you do likewise for someone else.

You can also light a candle in the darkness by living with intention and joy, by doing something you love, by being there for someone you love.  Now is the only moment there is. You are the creator of the future – now and now and now.  Wishing you a love and light-filled day.

(Thanks to Kim Klassen for her lovely texture give-aways at Kim Klassen Cafe.  For the photo above I used her texture kk_moremagic.jpg.  Layer 1 was blended using “Screen” mode in Photoshop.  Layer 2 was blended using “Overlay” mode at 80% in Photoshop.)

Here is what the photo looked like before I added the texture layers:

Candle without texture

More photoplay from today:

Three Candles (with kk texture)
Santa Figure (with kk texture)

Playing Around

Quote of the day: “I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.” – Leo Buscaglia

Look at how the lights get round and bright when I take an unfocused shot

When was the last time you played, even for a few minutes?  I love to play around with my camera every day.  As I’m going about my day, I notice the sky, the birds at the feeders, or the play of light on something, and pause and appreciate whatever it is I’m noticing.  Sometimes I just notice and appreciate the small moments and small wonders.  Sometimes I grab my camera and make some photos, just for the fun of it.  Because it brings me joy.  Because it’s fun.  Because it’s there.  Because it’s play.

Today, I noticed blue sky and grey clouds, a woodpecker at the suet feeder, Gracie (the cat) on her perch, and the way the lights on the Christmas Tree got big and round when I de-focused the camera lens.

It’s easy to get caught up in serious business or goals or ego trips or simple survival.  Finding a way to play each day helps me to hold an attitude of gratitude and “in-joy-ment.”  I hope you find a way to play today doing something you love.

Clouds, blue sky, tree
Gracie the cat
Woodpecker at suet feeder


Star Ornament on Christmas Tree


Christmas Bliss Wall Hanging

The Wonder of Life

Quote of the day: “From wonder into wonder existence opens.” – Lao Tzu

Rose Petals


My small bouquet of flowers from Trader Joe’s is starting to fade but they still hold enough beauty to make me feel wonder and gratitude for all of existence.  Yesterday, I got out my macro lens and played with close-ups.  What a joy!

What fills you with wonder and joy?

The Dance of Life (Center of Alstroemeria Blossom)






Delicate Dance

Find Your Wings and Fly

Quote of the day: “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” – Frida Kahlo

Wings to Fly (with a little kk "magic")

Find your wings and fly.  What could be easier?  What could be more difficult?  Listening to the still small voice in your heart…  Ignoring the shouts of the critic in your head…  Doing what brings you joy…

Creating and photography give me wings to fly.  I hope you find something that gives you wings to fly.

The Swallowtail and the Bumble Bee


Memories of Summertime